3M 05895, Automix EZ Sand Flexible Plastic Repair Kit
- 5oz Kit
The 3M 5895 Automix is a two-part epoxy flexible plastic repair kit used to repair most flexible plastic parts, including bumper covers and other plastic body panels. This Automix product should NOT be used with SMC/Fiberglass. This product is easy sanding and formulated for excellent featheredge. Can be used to repair most plastic parts used on vehicles today. This Automix product does not require a special applicator gun.
Salesman Notes: 3M 5895 Automix has a work time of 5 minutes and is sandable in 15 minutes at 65 - 70°F. Cure time is drastically affected by temperature. (Colder=Slower, Hotter=Faster)
3M 5895 Automix Repair Technique:
1) You must apply adhesion promoter after every sanding or grinding step until the plastic part is completely covered with either a coating or a color coat.
2) Featheredge paint around the repair with a grade 180 disc on a D.A. sander. Also, sand the outer edges of the repair area to round off any "Sharp" edges.
3) Wipe with a clean, dry rag and blow off with compressed air. Apply 3M Automix Polyolefin Adhesion Promotor #05907 following the label directions.
4) Dispense equal portions of 3M EZ Sand Flexible Parts Repair (#05895), parts A and B onto a clean dry mixing board. Mix the material thoroughly using a clean spreader to a uniform color.
5) Apply a thin coat of mixed filler material to the repair area making certain to completely "WET OUT" the surface.
6) Add additional mixed filler, building up the repair higher than the surrounding, undamaged area.
7) Allow the repair material to cure.
8) Sand with a grade 180 abrasive followed by 220-320 grit.
9) Wipe and blow off the surface with compressed air (DO NOT SOLVENT WIPE).
10) Apply paint coatings according to Paint Mfg. instructions for any plastic bumper.